What is Net Promoter Score The Net Promoter Score which is abbreviated as NPS , defined as a range index from -100 to 100 that measures and reflects how likely a customer can recommend your products or services to his or her friends. It helps businesses to get visibility and identify the brand promoters and detractors. Net Promoter ScoreCalculation The NPS calculation is not very complex and can be done by asking a simple question to customers i.e., On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this company’s product or service to a friend or a colleague? When a customer replies to this question then the company will be able to find whether the customer is detractor, passives and promoter. Net Promoter Score Examples · If a customer gave score of 6 or below then the customer is a detractor · If a customer gave score of 7 or 8 then the customer is a passive · ...
Net Promoter Score Everything you need to know about Net Promoter Score, what is Net Promoter Score, How NPS works, How to calculate Net Promoter Score, Nps Formula, Net Promoter Score Benchmark